Welcome to Cupar Old Parish Church
Cupar Old Parish Church Cupar Old

Children & Youth

At the baptism of their children parents promise by prayer and example to bring their children up in the life and worship of the Church. At Cupar Old we

encourage and endeavour to help parents do this from their children’s earliest years. We also seek to sow seeds in the life of our children and young

people and share God’s love with them from an early age.


Sunday Activities


Babies and children under pre-school nursery age are looked after in a safe, friendly, well supervised environment. The crèche runs every Sunday in the

purpose built facility in Old Parish Centre except when there is an All Age Family Service when we worship together in the church. The crèche is run by

volunteers, if you would like to help please contact the co-ordinator Morven Naughton.

Sunday Club 

Sunday Club is our programme for pre-school nursery and primary school aged children running during school term. Sunday Club meets at 4:00pm in the lounge of the Old Parish Centre - ie, the same time as Afternoon Worship.

Step Out in Faith Youth Group

St John's Church is hosting a youth group for teens in secondary school, ages 12-18.  The group meets on the last Sunday of the month, from 5:00-7:00 in St. John's Hall.  It is a time to 'explore faith, make friends, and share food'.


Messy Church (resuming soon)

Messy Church is a new form of church for all ages which appeals to children and adults alike and is great for families to worship together. Everyone gets involved in making and singing and doing and we learn together as we go. It’s also great if you don’t feel the traditional style of worship is for you or your family and you want something different.

There are crafts and fun followed by a short celebration with singing and a bible story. At the end we share a meal together!
The “messy” bit is partly about the crafts, partly that we don’t sit still and face the front and partly that it’s messy round the edges as people who don’t always fit at traditional worship can find a place at Messy Church.

Cupar Messy Church involves the town’s two Church of Scotland congregations and Cupar Baptist Church.  We meet on the last Saturday of the month, from 3pm-5pm, and the venue rotates around the churches.

If you’d like to see more, please come. All children need to be accompanied by an adult, but all adults do not need to be accompanied by a child. If you’d like to roll up your sleeves and do some crafts, if you’d like to mix with other people, if you like something that’s not meticulously packaged but is a little messy, please come!

Check when Messy Church resumes on our facebook page: 


This Week

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