Welcome to Cupar Old Parish Church

This Week

Friday 26 July, 6:00-8:00pm

LGTBQ+ Hub, Old Parish Centre

Saturday 27 July

The Community Cafe does not meet.

We have three weeks off, and will open again on 17 August.

Sunday 28 July, 9:30am

Worship in Monimail

Sunday 28 July, 11:00am

Worship in the Cupar Old sanctuary

A recording of the service will be available online at Monimail and Cupar Old

Sunday 28 July, 4:00pm

Family Worship in the Old Parish Centre

Members of the Prayer Team are available after the service for private prayer.

Sunday 28 July, 8:00pm

Prayer Team, via Zoom

Janice: janice.geddes2@btinternet.com

Monday 29 July-Friday 2 August, 9:30-12:00

Cupar Churches Holiday Club, in the Old Parish Centre

Tuesday 30 July, 10:00-12:00

Kinship Care Support Group, St John’s session room

Wednesday 31 July, 9:30am

Midweek Worship, in St John’s main hall

Wednesday 31 July, 10:30-1:30

Warm Welcome, a meal and a warm space in St John’s main hall

Thursday 1 August, 9:15-10:15am

Cupar Old Gardening Crew, around the Old Parish Centre

Arthur: 01334 652 100

Thursday 1 August, 12:00-2:30pm

Thursday Lunch Date, Springfield Church

Thursday 1 August, 2:00-4:00pm

Busy Hands Craft Group, St John’s main hall

Thursday 1 August, 6:00-8:00pm

Springfield Makers’ Circle, a craft group in the Springfield Church