Welcome to Cupar Old Parish Church
The Old Parish Centre Cupar Old Parish Church Cupar Old Second Sunday of Advent - Faith


Cupar Old Guild is a small, friendly organisation (approx 25 members) and we are always happy to welcome new members, both male and female.

We meet fortnightly at 2:30pm on a Wednesday afternoon in the lounge of the Old Parish Centre between September and March. Prior notice of forthcoming meetings is always intimated in the weekly church newsletter and in Latest News here. You will always be assured of a warm welcome, worship, an interesting speaker and a time of fellowship afterwards.

Information about Guild and its fund-raising projects: 



15th - Guild Rededication in the church

18th - Guild theme, "Let Us Build a House" - Rev Jeff Martin

2nd - "Therapets" - June Hutton

16th - "Growing Up with Music and Verse" - Elspeth Smith

30th - "Health and Old Age" - Gerald Burnett

6th -  "Seasons Suitcase Collection" - Cupar Quilters

20th - Craft afternoon - "Christmas Table Decorations"


4th – Christmas Lunch - TBA

15th - "A Sure Foundation" - Rev Brian Porteous

29th - Burns Afternoon - with Guests

5th -  Roddy Gauld

19th - Musical Connections - Callum MacLeod

5th - "My Life in Sport" - Gina Logan

19th - AGM

Eileen Spurr – Guild Convenor

tel: 01334 655010

      07886 936922

email: eileen.spurr@btinternet.com

This Week

Latest News

Christmas Diary

Here are details of some Christmas events in Cupar Old: read more

Christmas Church Lunch

Everyone is also welcome to attend the annual Christmas church lunch at Caulders at 12 noon on Thursday 12 December. ... read more