Welcome to Cupar Old Parish Church
Cupar Old Parish Church Holiday Club 29 July - 2 August Cupar Old


Cupar Old Guild is a small, friendly organisation (approx 25 members) and we are always happy to welcome new members, both male and female.

We meet fortnightly at 2:30pm on a Wednesday afternoon in the lounge of the Old Parish Centre between September and March. Prior notice of forthcoming meetings is always intimated in the weekly church newsletter and in Latest News. You will always be assured of a warm welcome, worship, an interesting speaker and a time of fellowship afterwards.

Information about Guild and its fund-raising projects: 



17th - (*Sunday 11am) Guild Service and Rededication in the Church
20th – French Wine – Elspeth Smith

4th – Man Shed – Mental Health Project
18th – UNIDA – Hear Our Voice - Guild Project

1st – Pilgrim Pastor – Rev Duncan Weaver
15th – Base Camp Everest – Molly Turnbull
29th – Antarctica Revisited – Dave Burke

6th – Christmas Lunch - TBA2024

17th – New Wine, New Wineskins – Rev Jeff Martin
31st – St Andrews Stories – Derek Scott

7th – Desert Island Discs – Pat Mitchell
21st - Pioneers – Chocolate Heaven – Guild Project

6th – V & A Dundee – Peter Nurick
20th – AGM


Eileen Spurr – Guild Convenor

tel: 01334 655010

      07886 936922

email: eileen.spurr@btinternet.com

This Week

Sunday 28th July 2024

11.00am Morning Worship
John 6: 24-35, led by Jeff Martin .

"The Four: Family Worship"
Acts 8: 9-25, led by Jeff Martin .

Latest News

Holiday Club Info

Registration is now open for Holiday Club! This free activity is open to all primary school children and will take... read more

Coffee & Chat Summer Break

Coffee & Chat is taking a summer break and will restart on Thursday 8th August in the Old Parish Centre, with an... read more